Friday, 8 November 2013

Director Research - Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino
Tarantino is a famous American born director and producer. Some of his most famous work includes classics such as Pulp fiction and Reservoir dogs which are widely renowned. His work is both incredible as well as controversial, as in the case of his most recent release Django unchained which covers the controversial topic of slavery in America. He is considered as one of the greatest and most influential directors of his generation.

His most credited piece, Pulp fiction, is a neo-noir crime thriller film set in Los Angeles. With its non linear storyline it covers the storylines of mobsters, fringe players, small time criminals and the one mysterious briefcase. Although not seen by many as a total thriller film, it contains many conventions and aspects of that of a thriller. Narrative retardation features heavily with the non chronological sequence of the film. For example the opening of the film before the opening credits we see the ending scene of the film, but if put the film into chronological order we see that this scene must be earlier on in the sequence due to a main character being in this scene after being killed. This leaves the audience confused and works effectively.
The Mysterious briefcase is a large part of the film because one of the four storylines follows its delivery. We never find out what is in the briefcase but the way in which it is presented makes it very desirable. We know that what is in the briefcase is valuable because Jules and Vince put their lives on the line to protect it as we see in the last scene. Because we never find out what is in the briefcase it keeps its mystery adding to the thriller conventions.

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